Helping us build, grow and thrive in our Colchester community

We are grateful to the following organizations and individuals for their significant contributions to the recent capital campaign directed at the refurbishment of our new facility, Delaney House.


jenna delaney foundation

White Birch investments



Tim Hortons - Brookfield, Debert, Elmsdale, Masstown, Millbrook, Truro


Bill & Donna Lake

Elm Investments Limited

Kohltech Windows & Entrance Systems

Rotary Club of Truro


Charles, Linda & Matthew MacQuarrie

Eldis Group Partnership

Greco Pizza

Maura & Jol Hunter

Rod & Robin MacLennan

Stuart Rath

Wilson Fuel Co. Limited


Aggregate Equipment Atlantic Ltd.

Barb MacKinnon & Jamie Rogers

Burchell MacDougall LLP

Caldwell-Roach Insurance

Cathy & Doug Bennett

Daniel MacDougall, In Memory of Charlie MacDougall

Darlene & Cecil Trites

Elva & Peter Townsend

Harris Home Hardware Building Center

In Honour of Eleanor Norrie

James & Nicole Bagnell

Janet Bagnell

Johnson Saunders Chartered Professional Accountants

Kinsmen Club of Bible Hill

L & R Construction Ltd

Masstown Market

Millbrook/Truro Community Wind LP

Patterson Law

Pye Chevrolet & Truro Toyota

Quinn MacKenzie

Sheila & Donald Johnston

Wendy Kaupp


AA Munro Insurance

ASE Print

CLH Ltd. - Dairy Queen

Dale & Susan McIssac

Duane & Lorna Rath

Earl & Eleanor Casey

Eric & Priscilla Jennings

Fundy Appliance Service Ltd.

George & Margie Lewis

Gordon & Judy Hickman

Inglis Jewellers

John & Leslee MacKenzie

Lake Family Foundation

Lynds Industrial - Bob & Noelle Brown

Michael & Caren Langille

PDI Engineering Group Inc.

Peggy & Bob Winters

Richard & Maralyn Bowness

Staff of McDonald's Truro, Coffee That Gives

The John & Judy Bragg Family Foundation

Wayne & Val Gillis

Wayne & Margaret MacCallum


Alan & Alison MacLean

Barb Whiston

Benchmark Developments Ltd

Canadian Tire Associate Store, B&H Hinze Enterprises Ltd.

Conrad Wells & Valerie Myers

Dave & Margo Mills

Dr's Trevor & Diana Locke

Fowler Construction Services Ltd.

Harry & Judy MacKenzie

Howard & Nancy Frame

Immanual Baptist Church - Big Christmas Give

In Memory of Bill McCurdy

Jamie & Mary Jean Muir

Joan & Alan Gibson

John MacDougall

Jonathan Noel Investments Ltd.

Judy Nicholson & Family

Karen & Chris MacDougall

Kelly Kolke

Keltie & Allan Bruce

Layton (Ashley) & Sandie Finley

Les Mosher

Lloyd Coady

Martin Trainor

Mary & Norman Layton

Nancy Messom

Randy & Joanne Crowell

Roger & Barb Ryan and Family

Ron Wallace Realty Ltd.

Shelley Crowe

Susan Fitzgerald & Richard Green

Todd & Deb Barnhill

Wade & Andrea Taylor


Scott Armstrong**Jennifer Auld-Cameron**Lynn MacKinnon**Sally Archibald**Barb Whiston**Stephen Curry**

Catherine Folinsbee**Joel Henderson**Sherry Glinz**Nancy Johnstone**Leona Verboom**Joan Ewart**

Laurie Poehl**Audrey Jordan**Anthony Phillips**Doug and Faye Kennedy**Gerald Pearson**

friendship unit, Valley United Church **Peter and Elva Townsend**Pleasant St. Dental Centre inc.**

Ellen and Chester Sabean**Rita amirault** John Graham**Robert Domanski**Daniel Joseph**Doug and Wanda MacInnes**

Gary Richard**Tammy MacKenzie**Terry Scott**Anonymous Donor**John and diane Kelderman**Jim Gould**

Andrew MacKinnon**Laurie Gunn **Darla Bedell**Bruce Purchase**Anonymous Donor**B. MacGrath**Ted Semple**

PruE and Mike Hanson in Honour of Mike Hansen**Neil Hamilton**Ronald and Valerie Creighton**

Reg and thelma Sabean**Meredith A. Layton**Central Nova Animal Hospital**Lloyd and Anna Gibbs**

David and Nancy MacNaughton**Anonymous Donor**Farida Gabbani and Larry Anthony**

Jay MacNeill**Anonymous Donor**Cathy Weldin**Barbara Blaikie**Anonymous Donor**Lauranne Sanderson**

Rod and Eleanor Norrie**Anonymous Donor**Denny Belliveau**Anonymous Donor**Anonymous Donor**Joan Stewart**

Dr. John Cook**Hollis Ford**John MacDougall**Sarah Chamberlain-Boyle In Honour of Grammy and Grampy**

Anonymous**Chris Guinan**Kevin Sangster and Kelly Mercer**Krista MacNutt**Carol Muirhead**

g&G Computers Inc.** Ron and Janet Meech**Andrew and Bonita Belliveau**Antje Houtsma In Honour of Maura Hunter** 

Dr. Ian Dugas Dentistry Inc.** In honour of Karen and John MacNeill** Bob and Pat Baxter**Heather Legere**

Valerie mercer**Truro Agromart Ltd.**Mike Topley**James and Elizabeth Durning**Ken and Betty MacDonald**

Fowler Construction Services Ltd.**Anonymous** Jeff Mantin**Allison Butcher**Mary Brown**Cassandra Sears**

Laura MacLaughlin** Cooke Aquaculture Inc.**John and Karen MacNeill**Margaret P. Hunt**Margaret Savard**

Janet and Peter Gay** fulton Insurance Ltd. ** Bonnie Belliveau ** Kathleen Coulter ** In Honour of Eleanor Norrie **

Irene Wright in Honour of margaret mccain ** gale johnson ** margo and dave mills ** Prue hansen ** Judy hickman **

ralph filmore ** Peter and helen grant ** Howard m. frame ** Nancy Frame ** In Honour of Susan Fitzgerald and richard

greene ** Susan Mccallum ** Angela dwyer-james ** Kevin quinlan** Victor and shirley saxon **Ray & Penny Comeau **

Dave Wynn ** Kathe and Rod Jones ** carmel chisholm ** ed and joan macaulay ** chris guinan** stephen and beth johnston

** martin trainor ** tonda higgins ** alexander stephenson ** sybil j. mccurdy ** christian and shannon anderson **

david and elizabeth murray ** leslie and sharon smith ** upper londonderry pastoral charge, cobequid united church **

allan j. kennedy **